Past Dates

27.01.2020 Proxima Warszawa [PL]
25.01.2020 Lido Club Berlin [DE]
24.01.2020 Strom München [DE]
22.01.2020 Sala Bóveda Barcelona [ES]
20.01.2020 Backstage By The Mill Paris [FR]
18.01.2020 The Dome London [GB]

The band “AliA” was formed in July 2018.

Each member has different musical background from Rock to Classic that gives a various layers to the band’s musical roots. The leader of the band Eren gathered and brought up the members for this 6-piesce hybrid rock band.

The powerful vocal and their emotional sound appeal and strike the audience over the world  past the language barrier and their SNS followers are increasing day by day.


  • TKT - Key
  • RINA - Vn
  • SEIYA - Ba
  • AYAME - Vo
  • EREN - Gt
  • BOB - Dr

NLE Booking
